With my youngest being 6 weeks old, we’ve encountered some sleeping issues. This mom was so exhausted that I took to my Instagram stories to ask for tips to help a newborn sleep! The response was so positive that I wanted to share the tips I received with all. Below are YOUR recommendations to help a sleeping newborn.
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- Lavender Oil and Roller Balls. Used best with swiped on the bottom of baby’s feet.
- Ollie Sleep Sack. Perfect for the newborn startle reflux.
- Love to Dream Swaddle A swaddle sack that allows babies to keep their hands up rather than down.
- Noise Makers Helps to keep baby sleep! I still use ours for our oldest too.
- Dockatot
- Gripe Water for Babies To help with colic, gas, and fussiness.
- Probiotic for Women
- Vava Breastfeeding Light. Dimmed light for breastfeeding during the nights.